Sunday, 8 April 2012

Sunken Boat on the Bridgewater Canal

We walk our dogs along the Bridgewater Canal towpath at around 6:00am every day. On Friday as we approached Oldfield Quays, we spotted a sunken boat. Judging by the mooring pins on the bank, it must have been tied up originally, but by Friday morning, it had come adrift. Of course, I never have my camera with me when I want it!

On Saturday I remembered my camera. The boat had been tied up again but the windows had been knocked out. It looked like the owner had started recovering his possessions as there were items spread about on the towpath and in a wheelie bin.

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The boat was called Gale Force and it was not displaying a licence. It had a “BW Aware” notice on it. Perhaps it had come onto the Bridgewater to get away from the BW enforcement officers?

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By Sunday, the owner appeared to have recovered more belongings. There were clothes and other items hanging on the fence, a van and nearby industrial unit doors to dry out. There was plenty of debris on the towpath and in the canal as well.

IMG_0166 IMG_0163This poor boat owner has not had a very good Easter break. I hope that his boat was not his home and  that he is able to salvage his boat and possessions.